Managing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

in Microsoft Business Central

About the Hungarian regulations

In accordance with the relevant EU directives, starting with July 2023, the waste management system undergoes some changes. Based on the 80/2023. (III. 14.) Government Decree an Extended Producer Responsibility system is introduced (EPR). The new responsibility affects all domestic manufacturers selling circular products in the domestic market, or any ventures selling, using, or packaging imported products targeted on the national market or decomposing the packaging of such products. 

Recycling products may include:

Storage cells and batteries


Disposable plastic products

Electric appliances



Advertising and office papers

Textile products

Wooden furniture

About the EPR module of MutiSoft

From the 1st July 2023, in all these cases the companies must maintain up-to-date records of the movement of EPR-related products in accordance with the above regulation. The Multisoft Kft. started to prepare the BC (former NAV) systems to comply with the legislative changes.

The following new EPR functions are available for our Customers in the form of an installable module. 

  • new (CP) coding for the products/product groups and packaging (master data)
  • loading default charge codes at startup
  • predefined tariff charges for the marketed products
  • overridable EPR data before invoice posting
  • clause texts shown on the invoice
  • the option to enter data manually
  • entering EPR charges of products on the purchase invoice manually (eg. captive use of imported products)
  • periodic extracting of products/invoices subject to EPR charge
  • summarized/detailed EPR report with filtering options on types, partners, or products

More information about the functionality of the module

Please fill out the form below to request the download of the EPR documentation:

ERP bevezetési segédlet letöltése

A PDF dokumentumot a megadott e-mail címre küldjük el Önnek