Enterprise Resource Planning

Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems

Our goal is to create a personalized IT framework for your company to drive a successful company. This requires an ERP system that is customizable, flexible, and easy to use. In addition, the software must have a solid background: this is why MultiSoft voted for Microsoft Dynamics systems.

We primarily focus on enabling Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises to implement their Microsoft Dynamics 365 enterprise resource planning system. Since the implementation of an business planning software can involve a lot of difficulties like

It is essential to rely on real professionals during such a large and often expensive project.

With more than 20 years of experience behind us, MultiSoft Ltd. can assure you of receiving the highest possible level of service. Our portfolio includes implementations, updates, customer support, and key user training.

Hirolvasas_vallalatiranyitasi_rendszer_ hasznalata

4 reasons to choose Microsoft Business Central

Switch to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and take advantage of a well-structured ERP system.

Your guide

to introduce an ERP system

We’ve put together a little guide that includes the key questions you should definitely consider when thinking about implementing an enterprise resource planning system.

First, choose one of the following:

I don’t have an ERP system yet

If you're not even sure whether you need an enterprise management system but you are interested in how you can make your business processes easier with Microsoft Business Central.

I'd like to upgrade my existing Microsoft ERP

If your existing Microsoft ERP is no longer supported or is missing some important features.

I would like to replace my ERP of another vendor

If you're not satisfied with your current third-party enterprise resource planning system and would like to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics Business Central.

Do you have more questions?

Kedves Érdeklődő! Szeretnénk jelezni, hogy a MultiSoft Kft. nem foglalkozik pénzügyi befektetésekkel. Nincs AI alapú, tőzsdei alkalmazásunk. Amennyiben erre hivatkozva keresnék meg a nevünkben, semmiképp ne utaljon az általuk megadott bankszámlaszámra.


ERP bevezetési segédlet letöltése

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