Application development in a simple way: Power Apps

What is Power Apps exactly?

Power apps, Power apps logo

We need to start a little further away to answer the question above: Power Platform is a set of data platforms that can provide solutions to individual business needs. The environment is fast, flexible, and versatile and aims to automate manual business processes.

Power Apps (along with Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents) are an element of this. Power Apps is designed to make smaller, simpler applications with the help of its low coding environment. Thanks to the before-mentioned environment, we do not need to have any special developer background knowledge. After attaching the data sources into the user interface, we can place various elements on the interface by drag & drop method, the parameters of which we can create the desired application ourselves. It can take only up to a few hours to complete your application, to which you can easily link data available in different formats. You can then create different logical connections so you can greatly customize your application.

These applications can be easily run in both browsers and mobile devices as long as the device has internet access. Power Apps can be connected to plenty of data platforms (e.g., Sharepoint, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, SQL server). For a complete list of attachable data mediums, see here.

Power apps and Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 applications – such as Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, and Dynamics 365 Marketing – use the same underlying data platform (Dataverse) that Power Apps use to store data. This allows you to build applications based on the data you store in those softwares.

Who is it for?

The following example illustrates who should use Power Apps.

A small business dealing with the distribution of sand and gravel maintains daily freight allocations in a single “classic” Excel file. The data is not available outside the office. More than 1 person cannot use Excel simultaneously, and users’ read and edit permissions are not regulated. Sharepoint and PowerApps is the solution in such a situation. Using the Sharepoint list can provide real-time access to everyone via the cloud. The mobile application created for this has an editing and reading interface, allowing detailed authorization management and custom views. So instead of the previous Excel, you can manage your daily freight allocations using a modern, efficient interface.

Our services

We can provide the following services regarding the application:

  • Personal and online training: Learn how to use PowerApps
  • We can create your PowerApps if you don’t want to bother with them.
  • You can buy your Power Platform licenses (PowerBI, PowerApps PowerAutomate, Power Virtual Agent) from us 

Reasons to choose MultiSoft

Our company offers a complete solution in ERP systems, customer relationship management, and custom software development. In addition to our market-leading position in Hungary, we have international channels across five continents.

Our 30 years of experience, the continuous monitoring of the evolving technology, and the continuous training of our specialists guarantee that we can always serve our customers at the highest level, thus providing them with the opportunity for continuous development. The success of our work is proven by the recognition of multinational companies, long-term partnerships, and hundreds of satisfied customers.

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